Tiffany Hegdahl, Research Technologist

B.S. Biology, UNO (2020); M.S. Biology, UNO (2022) 

Tiffany’s M.S. research involved determining the genes responsible for melanism in black fox squirrels in the Omaha and Lincoln metropolitan areas and potential pleiotropic effects involving those genes that could contribute to increased aggression in the melanistic individuals. 

Ben Haussmann, M.S. Student

B.S. Environmental Science, Juniata College (2022) 

In the Robbins lab, Ben is looking at metabolic rates in the species Sceloporus consobrinus. Specifically, we are asking questions about how temperature and geographic variation may cause metabolic differences. 

Brandon Wolfsohn, M.S. Student

B.S. Environmental Science, UNO (2021) 

During my time with Robbins lab, I want to expand my research skills and help innovate new ways to study reptiles. My goal is to explore the relationship between environmental temperature and digestion efficiency to better understand the complex physiology and adaptive strategies of Midwestern lizard species.  

Garret Peterson, Research Assistant

B.S. Environmental Science, UNO (Estimated Graduation 2025) 

Garret is passionate about the environment and curious about the abiotic and biotic factors that have shaped the biological world throughout history. Understanding evolution and promoting environmentally mindful practices is his missions. 

Clara Wallace, Research Assistant

B.S. Environmental Science, Minor in Sustainability, UNO (Estimated Graduation 2026) 

Clara is interested in wildlife preservation, sustainability, and climate change. In the Robbins lab, she hopes to observe important behavioral and physiological adaptations in prairie lizards.

Kayla Wycoff, Research Assistant

B.S. Environmental Science, Minor in Sustainability, UNO (Estimated Graduation 2026) 

Kayla is passionate about wildlife conservation and sustainability practices. In the Robbins lab, she hopes to explore the different behaviors the blue bellied lizard exhibits.